When you’re down
Sweetheart, if you just found and are reading this blog article, it's for a reason. And right up front, I'm sending you a very big hug. Let me assure you: The phase you're in right now will pass. Just like all the other bad phases in the past have passed....

SOS-Help for Moms with Toxic Ex Partners
I once asked my German group of strong mothers to find out what kind of help they found useful in the first and most difficult time, and which could help the mothers with toxic ex-partners in their greatest need the most. One thing became very clear: It...

Why sole custody won’t make you happy
A few weeks ago, I asked the moms in my German Brave Moms' Club a coaching question whose answers really surprised me. As a coach, I always have a certain expectation, but I really didn't expect this. The question was: "If you knew that 100% of the time...

The 3 best tricks to stop your thought carousel
It's enough to drive you crazy. Again and again, everything in your head goes around in circles. The carousel of thoughts accompanies you when you fall asleep, hinders you when you sleep through the night, and is the first thing that comes back when you wake...

Don’t believe your girlfriend!
How good it is for a woman to have a good friend to talk to in this phase of life - after the breakup with the toxic Ex and later, when the legal proceedings cause great turmoil in a mother's life. Do you have such a good friend? Then I'm very happy for you,...

Can you prevent your child from becoming a narcissist too?
This anxious question comes up from time to time with my customers and with the women in my Facebook group. What they would like most is a guide that they can work through step by step. Something they can hold on to and orient themselves by. You don't want...

If the child does not want to go to the contact weekend
In recent weeks, I've talked about three classic situations in which we mothers wish the contact weekend away, because we don't want it and it hurts us deeply personally. But what do we do when the child doesn't want to go to daddy? We ourselves can still...

What you can do if your ex is trying to drive you into financial ruin
Do you have the feeling - or has he already told you - that he wants to ruin you financially? Now it's time to keep calm! Absolutely. First of all, take a sober look at what kind of toxic ex-partner you are dealing with: Is yours more of a lazy...

Why you should never voluntarily go into mediation with your narcissistic ex
...and what you should insist on when it is ordered from above. I've always been a big fan of mediation. I think it's a fantastic idea to bring a neutral third party into a conflict and, if that person is really well trained and knows his or her stuff, to be...

The ultimate trick to forgive your toxic ex so you can feel better again
In my German Facebook group, there is a new impulse from me every day, which is intended to invite thought and reflection. I have a very specific purpose with this: so that mothers who have to share custody with a toxic ex-partner refocus on what moves them...