The best way to deal with grief

The best way to deal with grief

The best way to deal with grief ​I had mixed feelings when I left my relationship with my toxic child’s father. On the one hand, I was incredibly relieved when I was finally able to live in my new home and was no longer exposed to this daily emotional pressure....
What about grandma and grandpa?

What about grandma and grandpa?

What about grandma and grandpa? Yeah, what actually happens to the grandma and grandpa stuff after you break up with your toxic ex? There are sooo many levels of frustration in this area that I wonder why I haven’t written several blog articles on the subject....
What if your toxic Ex refuses to sign?

What if your toxic Ex refuses to sign?

What if your toxic Ex refuses to sign? I’ve lost count of the times moms with a toxic ex-partner have approached me with the same dilemma: “Heidi, what should I do? My ex refuses to sign his consent, and the daycare around the corner is highly sought...