
When you should not use the Gray Rock Method
If you've been following me for a while, you know that I recommend the Gray Rock Method to moms with toxic Exes. I wrote a blog article on this relatively early on, which I refer to again and again when it comes to training a more calm attitude towards the...

When the toxic Ex lies like a rug and how you can best deal with it
Is your Ex also lying like a rug and seems to get away with it everywhere? Welcome to the club! You are not alone in this. ALL the moms who follow me and feel addressed by my writing report that this is what they struggle with the most. The narcissistic child...

Why you shouldn’t allow a family assessment
If you're in the middle of a heated court battle over custody or the right to determine place of residence with your toxic ex-partner, then sooner or later the topic of family assessments will come up if you don't reach an agreement. For sure. However, what...

Your best strategy for official custody and child welfare appointments
Here it comes - the dreaded event of all: the joint appointment before the youth welfare office or in court, when a decision is to be made about which access model is to be chosen or how custody is to be decided. A nightmare for all mothers who, before the...

What’s under your control – and what’s not
What do you associate with the word "control," sweetheart? Uncomfortable feelings in the pit of your stomach? Is your toxic ex controlling you where you go and where you stand? I'd like to use this article to unravel this concept and help you build a good,...

Factor EX in vacation planning
Is your vacation planning with your narcissistic ex actually in the books? Or do you not yet know for sure whether the vacations can take place as planned and are therefore in a tizzy, so that the mere thought of it gives you a stomach ache? Why is that? The...

How to build an emotional savings account for your child
If you are one of those moms who have a toxic narcissistic ex, then chances are pretty high that you worry a lot about your ex's manipulative power. After all, you've experienced it firsthand! But if you've already fallen for it as an adult, how can you...

How to find a really good lawyer
Let me start with an unpleasant truth right away: The likelihood that you will end up in family court with a toxic ex-partner and father of the child is pretty damn high. In this case, you'll need to find a good lawyer. That is the case, even if you make a...

Do your children keep losing their things at dad’s house?
Is your child constantly losing things after the contact weekend at dad's house? You know the drill, right? You bought new clothes in the fall, including a wonderful 3-in-1 jacket for your daughter, in her beloved purple, plus lots of jeans (how do holes get...

Just no stress – neither with the Ex nor the Next!
Mothers with narcissistic Ex-partners are quite often surprised. Still living together, one could not believe how indifferently the former lover accepted the impending separation or - on the contrary - completely freaked out and showed a very ugly side....