
When your toxic Ex just won’t stop with the toxic actions
Has your toxic Ex has already gotten a good telling off from the judge, and yet he still won't stop doing what he was reprimanded for? Maybe he "won" in court and his application was granted, much to your chagrin, and you were hoping that he would finally...

How to deal with the biggest stresses after a breakup
I kid you not, my dear: separating from a toxic man is anything but a piece of cake. I'm sure you've already asked around in various mothers' forums and were shocked by what some women experienced afterwards. Yes, it's bad - I have to swallow hard myself when...

What if your manipulated child already talks like the Ex?
You've probably been there too, right? Your child acts all rebellious towards you and lets out a statement that could have come from the mouth of the child's toxic father. You are probably shocked at first and may also feel triggered, especially if your child...

When fear takes on a life of its own and you no longer know what to do
If you have a toxic Ex, then it's very likely that you know the feeling of anxiety very well.When you were still in a relationship, you felt scared whenever he came home. What mood will he be in today? Hopefully the conversation with his boss went well,...

The best argument for relocating or moving away with a child
I don't think I'm going too far out on a limb when I say that every mom with a toxic ex is eager to have as much physical distance between her and the Ex as possible and therefore wants to move far away with the child. We hope that this will bring healing and...

The best way to deal with grief
I had mixed feelings when I left my relationship with my toxic child's father. On the one hand, I was incredibly relieved when I was finally able to live in my new home and was no longer exposed to this daily emotional pressure. What a mood he would be in...

When your toxic Ex gives your primary school child a smartphone
Imagine your 8-year-old comes home from a weekend with their dad, proudly showing off a new smartphone. "Daddy gave it to me!" they exclaim, beaming with joy. "Now we can always talk on the phone." If you're newly separated, this moment can feel like the...

To fight for your child, or to let go?
No matter where you are on your journey with your toxic ex - at some point, every mother has to ask herself whether she should keep fighting for her child, or to let go. In this article, I would like to help you make a decision that is right for you if you...

What will help if you think you’ve messed up in family court
Most moms who have been to family court know this scenario: they come out of a hearing that was basically successful, but they dwell for days on the fact that they didn't stay "tough" until the end and are left with a compromise or settlement that doesn't...

7 best tips on how to deal with the toxic child’s father’s lies in court
Any mother who has been in court with a toxic narcissistic ex - or in parenting counseling or mediation - can tell you a thing or two about the incredible lies the ex can come up with. If you know how a narcissistic disorder presents itself in everyday life,...