
Do you need coaching or therapy?
Sooner or later you will ask yourself this question – with a toxic ex-partner, sooner rather than later. Because these people drive you crazy! They constantly make us doubt our self-perception. If your self-esteem is not the best to start with, then their...

3 important appeals to all who offer parent counseling
This article is aimed at all community educators, quasi-mediators, childcare consultants or other people who offer court-mandated parent counseling. Let me ask you a small question in advance: How do you feel about your job? Are you satisfied? Before you go...

Why writing a will is an ABSOLUTE MUST when you’re a mom with a toxic Ex
Invitation to the FeelBold Friday Subscribe now to my free weekly newsletter Do you want to feel confident about managing child hand-offs with your toxic ex? Invitation to the FeelBold...

On self-esteem (or how you can protect yourself from toxic people forever)
What does poor self-esteem have to do with being attracted to toxic people? Quite a lot! If you have just gotten out of a toxic relationship, sooner or later you will start to wonder: How could this happen to me, how could I get involved with such a psycho?...

How you can best protect yourself from toxic people on Christmas
Christmas is just around the corner. And with it comes a time when we feel most vulnerable to the narcissists in our lives. As for the toxic ex-partner, we think back to all the bad holidays we've had to experience with him. But there might also be that...

Breakup checklist: 10 top tips for planning and executing your move
Every now and then, I was approached by mothers asking if I had a separation checklist for them. Here you go – there you go. Mothers who still have to face the separation often fearfully ask themselves: "How am I supposed to manage all this? He's so mean to...

12 ideas that can help you earn more money as a single mom working part-time
Are you unhappy with your salary too? Maybe you have a job but can only work part-time because your childcare situation leaves you no other choice or you want to spend enough time with your child in the afternoons. Others want to go back to their old...

My 10 ultimate tips for effective communication with a toxic Ex
Communicating with a toxic ex is always a challenge for us mothers. If there were no children involved, it would be ridiculously easy: just delete him from the phone book (or block him from xxx), block him on Whatsapp and Facebook, and never make the...

So You Finally Decide to Leave
So. Now you are very sure, after everything you have heard or read about me and also what your environment has confirmed to you, that you have a toxic partner. And you realize that it can't go on like this But moving out? You dread that. The house is so nice...

How to slowly but surely free yourself from emotional entanglement with your toxic ex
Sweetheart, let me ask you a question right at the beginning: Do you still think about your Ex very often? Is there not a day when you don't rack your brain over your situation or his offenses? Then this article is perfect for you! If you've been following me...