Open letter to all guardians ad litem

Open letter to all guardians ad litem

Open letter to all guardians ad litem Are you a guardian ad litem? Then this article is for you. Because I need to talk to you. Just between us, from woman to woman: Are you satisfied with your work? Are you satisfied with the job you have at the family court as a...
Why Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) is Bullshit

Why Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) is Bullshit

Why Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) is Bullshit Sweetheart, it’s that time again: this article on parental alienation syndrome, or PAS, is going to be heavy. Please read it only if you are stable enough to take in information that will help you to clarify...
When you should not use the Gray Rock Method

When you should not use the Gray Rock Method

When you should not use the Gray Rock Method If you’ve been following me for a while, you know that I recommend the Gray Rock Method to moms with toxic Exes. I wrote a blog article on this relatively early on, which I refer to again and again when it comes to...
Why you shouldn’t allow a family assessment

Why you shouldn’t allow a family assessment

Why you shouldn’t allow a family assessment If you’re in the middle of a heated court battle over custody or the right to determine place of residence with your toxic ex-partner, then sooner or later the topic of family assessments will come up if you...