How a new mindset can turn your life around

How a new mindset can turn your life around

How a new mindset can turn your life around Imagine standing in front of your bathroom mirror twelve months from now and looking in. What will you see there? What will you think? How will you feel? If you are like me 10 years ago, so “really” deep in the...
When you want to move for a second time after separation

When you want to move for a second time after separation

When you want to move for a second time after separation First of all: You know – I am not a lawyer, and therefore I am not allowed to give you any legal advice! So please understand this article only as an impulse and basis for your next conversation with your...
How to best deal with your toxic ex’s Next

How to best deal with your toxic ex’s Next

How to best deal with your toxic ex’s Next I’ve noticed that I haven’t written about the new wife at the toxic ex-partner’s side in a long time. Is probably because she is actually not so much in the focus of the mothers who follow me. But when...
Stay brave

Stay brave

Stay brave Every Monday, my members in the German Club of Courageous Mothers receive a very special MutMach newsletter. MutMach-Monday is a completely different number than MutMach-Friday, which goes out weekly to my subscribers. In MutMach Monday, I accompany the...
When toxic grandparents get involved

When toxic grandparents get involved

When toxic grandparents get involved I know there are many, many grandparents who suffer horribly when their child has been with a toxic person and now has to fight for their grandchild in court. It doesn’t matter if it’s the son or the daughter. And many...