What’s your wisest legal strategy moving forward?
What’s your wisest legal strategy moving forward? Have you recently endured your first marathon court hearing, received an unfavorable decision, and now find yourself pondering which legal strategy to take on next? Which court application would be prudent? Or...
The 50-50 alternating custody schedule as a narcissistic strategy
The 50-50 alternating custody schedule as a narcissistic strategy Can he take the children away from me? Suspected narcissistic fathers like to intimidate their (ex-)partners with this threat again and again. As a rule, the standard answer is: No. We could actually...
The best way to prepare for custody evaluation
The best way to prepare for custody evaluation Are you about to have a custody evaluation soon and are terrified – because on the one hand you have no idea what to expect, and on the other hand you have read more and more horror stories about mothers who have...
What to do if your ex has a drug or alcohol problem
What to do if your ex has a drug or alcohol problem Does your toxic ex have a drug or alcohol problem? Then I can imagine that you are very worried about how to look after your child. The younger your child is, the more helpless you’re likely to feel. First of...