How to find your way out of the victim role

How to find your way out of the victim role

How to find your way out of the victim role Yes, narcissistic-toxic ex-partners can fuck us mothers up. Depending on the degree of their personality disorder, with an unimaginable destructive rage. I believed for a while that I had found my “champion ” in...
SOS-Help for Moms with Toxic Ex Partners

SOS-Help for Moms with Toxic Ex Partners

SOS-Help for Moms with Toxic Ex Partners I once asked my German group of strong mothers to find out what kind of help they found useful in the first and most difficult time, and which could help the mothers with toxic ex-partners in their greatest need the most. One...
The 3 best tricks to stop your thought carousel

The 3 best tricks to stop your thought carousel

The 3 best tricks to stop your thought carousel ​It’s enough to drive you crazy. Again and again, everything in your head goes around in circles. The carousel of thoughts accompanies you when you fall asleep, hinders you when you sleep through the night, and is...