Making the right decisions
Making the right decisions In this blog article, I want to talk to you about being able to make decisions. And about the fact that YOU are the one steering the ship of your life and no one else is responsible for it. Do you remember the corona years? When the whole...
What your support network should look like to help you in your current situation
What your support network should look like to help you in your current situation Have you actually built up a good support network? Yes? Really? Are you really, really sure? Are you thinking now: “Heidi, what are you doing? Sure – I have my family and...
How to earn more money
How to earn more money I noticed that I haven’t written about how you can improve your financial situation for quite some time. Yet this is an important pillar in my Club of Courageous Mothers on the German site. Every other Thursday, there is an impulse there...