Ways out of fear: How to become braver, even if your Ex is a real devil
Ways out of fear: How to become braver, even if your Ex is a real devil You know that feeling when anxiety is your constant companion? If you have a toxic ex-partner, it’s probably all too familiar. During the relationship, you were constantly wondering what...
When your toxic Ex just won’t stop with the toxic actions
When your toxic Ex just won’t stop with the toxic actions Has your toxic Ex has already gotten a good telling off from the judge, and yet he still won’t stop doing what he was reprimanded for? Maybe he “won” in court and his application was...
What if your manipulated child already talks like the Ex?
What if your manipulated child already talks like the Ex? You’ve probably been there too, right? Your child acts all rebellious towards you and lets out a statement that could have come from the mouth of the child’s toxic father. You are probably shocked...
The best argument for relocating or moving away with a child
The best argument for relocating or moving away with a child I don’t think I’m going too far out on a limb when I say that every mom with a toxic ex is eager to have as much physical distance between her and the Ex as possible and therefore wants to move...