12 ideas that can help you earn more money as a single mom working part-time
12 ideas that can help you earn more money as a single mom working part-time Are you unhappy with your salary too? Maybe you have a job but can only work part-time because your childcare situation leaves you no other choice or you want to spend enough time with your...
My 10 ultimate tips for effective communication with a toxic Ex
My 10 ultimate tips for effective communication with a toxic Ex Communicating with a toxic ex is always a challenge for us mothers. If there were no children involved, it would be ridiculously easy: just delete him from the phone book (or block him from xxx), block...
So You Finally Decide to Leave
So You Finally Decide to Leave So. Now you are very sure, after everything you have heard or read about me and also what your environment has confirmed to you, that you have a toxic partner. And you realize that it can’t go on like this But moving out? You dread...