Part 3 of the GOOD VIBES mini-series: Favorite activities
So, sweetheart, have you already read Part 1 (Your favorite songs) and Part 2 (Your favorite books) of my GOOD VIBES mini-series?
It’s fun, isn’t it? Anyway, I really enjoy zooming through the comments and feeling the high vibes of the moms with a narcissistic Ex who have already participated!
Anyway, today we’re moving on to your favorite activities, sweetheart.
What do you do to ground yourself?
What activity is your first choice when you’re feeling down?
What hobby is your refuge when evil rages around you?
But also: what do you do best when you are completely overwhelmed and can’t tell up from down?
Invitation to the FeelBold Friday
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What activity makes you feel better?
Write them down in the comments below.
There is only one condition – as always:
Please leave out anything that gives you a bad feeling or conscience after doing it. I’m thinking of uncontrolled eating of sweets, drinking alcohol, smoking etc. pp. You know…
So, let’s gather! Thanks for your contribution already!
Invitation to the FeelBold Friday
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